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Dehghani: Iran's capacity to benefit from the world's 500-billion-dollar market in the field of medical equipment

With the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the Indonesian Medical Equipment Forum was held and Iran's capabilities were discussed in this field and exports to international markets.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, during his visit to Indonesia and at the medical equipment forum of this country, which was attended by the head of the International Scientific and Research Agency of Indonesia, a group of managers and activists from the health field of the two countries, from the capacities of the ecosystem Iran's knowledge-based economy for international cooperation in the field of health.

Dehghani, in the continuation of his trip to Indonesia, referring to the capacity of international markets for knowledge-based interactions in the field of health, considered the historical companionship of the two countries to be central to continuing cooperation and added: There are extensive cultural commonalities between the two countries, which have a very wide potential capacity for cooperation that provides two countries in the field of health and medicine. It is necessary for the private sector to enter into this issue and by identifying the needs, with bilateral cooperation, take steps towards solving these needs.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that 70 years have passed since the first diplomatic relations between the two countries of Iran and Indonesia, said: Iran and Indonesia have a brilliant background in cultural, historical, economic and knowledge interactions, which the valuable background can be a reference point for the expansion of scientific and technological interactions between the two countries.

He continued: Naturally, in the meantime, the top regulatory institutions of the health field in both countries should facilitate and accelerate this with more cooperation and interaction.

Dehghani, referring to the existence of vast capacities of cooperation between Iran and Indonesia in the field of health, said: for the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of medical equipment, medicine and health, it is possible to define broad areas of cooperation that will certainly be in the long term and with paying attention to the vast cultural commonalities between the two countries, the developing market of technology and the expansion of the economic markets of the two countries of Iran and Indonesia, which together include about 400 million Muslim populations, with the help of God Almighty, we will witness great progress.

500 billion dollar medical equipment market

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, stating that the use of medical equipment in human life is as old as the history of civilization, continued: simple medical tools invented thousands of years ago are now replaced by the most advanced medical tools and devices, diagnostic and treatment aid, whose global market size now reaches about 500 billion dollars.

Dehghani continued: The technical knowledge used in the construction of many of these equipment's is of the highest and most up-to-date type in the world and the place where basic sciences, engineering and medicine are connected and converged. These achievements are the result of years of research by scientists in the most equipped scientific laboratories.

He added: The very wide consumer market and the strategic importance of medical equipment in saving the lives of the citizens of a country make extensive investments by the private sector supported by the government in this area.

The ability of 340 knowledge-based companies in manufacturing medical equipment

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated that Iran has been able to successfully overcome the obstacles and challenges in the field of health by relying on internal capabilities and elite human resources, and continued: the cruel sanctions imposed on it for years have caused Looking at domestic capabilities and supporting technological companies in the field of medical equipment should be expanded. Currently, 340 knowledge-based companies are active in the ecosystem of health technologies and innovations, and while meeting the needs of the country, they have enough capacity to be present in international markets.

According to the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, these companies have the ability to produce advanced equipment such as CT scan, dialysis machines, ICU ventilators, cardiac electroshocks, dental units, various types of dental implants, bone grafts, and diagnostic kits., and have a wide range of consumables needed by operating rooms and hospitals.

He added: These consumables and equipment have been installed and are being used in many private and public medical centers in Iran.

The quality and functionality of medical equipment made in Iran is on par with foreign samples

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated: The production of this medical equipment, along with the boom in production, research and development in the field of advanced industries inside the country, has solved the vital needs of the country and has been able to directly or indirectly to the "countries of the MENA region". » Export and be present in the competitive markets of these countries.

Pointing to Iran's ability to produce medical equipment on par with prominent foreign examples, he said: Iranian equipment, medical supplies and medicines today have the possibility to compete and be present in wide world markets in terms of price and quality.

Dehghani, stating that one of the most significant fields in which the two sides have been able to get to know each other with advanced technology in recent years has been "telemedicine", adding: "Sina's remote surgeon robot is the result of the efforts of a knowledge-based company." It is Iranian, which has also been exported to Indonesia, and it provides the possibility for doctors to personally perform the surgeries needed by their patients from miles away by overcoming geographical limitations.

He said: In addition to that, the ventilators produced by Knowledge-Based Iranian Company have also been able to enter the markets of this country by proving their superiority, and in hospitals, they can save the lives of patients in need, but these items are only a small part of the potential available in two countries are to cooperate in the field of medical equipment.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy mentioned "medical equipment" and "medicine" as the two wings of movement in the field of health and added: "Fortunately, Iran is in the field of producing a variety of high-tech drugs, including all types of nanomedicines, anti-cancer drugs, and therapeutic antibodies." And advanced vaccines have also made great progress in the past years, and the ecosystem of knowledge-based companies in the field of diagnosis and treatment of diseases solves a large part of the country's pharmaceutical needs for advanced anti-cancer drugs.

He said: "The knowledge-based pharmaceutical industry in Iran is so powerful that many drugs that have been recently introduced in the world have been localized only after a few years of the raw material production phase, and the final product is available to Iranian patients.".

$70 million of Iran's pharmaceutical industry exports

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the presence of Iran's pharmaceutical industry in international markets, added: Iran's pharmaceutical industry exported about 70 million dollars last year, most of which were related to high-tech and knowledge-based pharmaceutical products.

He added: In the pharmaceutical industry, special attention has been paid to the implementation of the domestic value chain in such a way that the devices and machinery required by the country's pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry are now produced domestically, both in terms of price and efficiency. The quality can compete with many prestigious and modern brands in the world.

He continued: Iranian knowledge-based companies have extensive activities in the field of producing various vaccines, including influenza, HPV, rotavirus, pneumonia, and meningitis. Some of these vaccines, such as influenza and HPV, are already available to the public, and other vaccines are in the final stages of registration and entering the market. The most populous Muslim country, there is a possibility of technological cooperation and joint investment in the fields of interest of both sides.

It should be mentioned that the government's science, technology and knowledge-based economy convoy visited Indonesia, while visiting the scientific, technological centers and innovative and knowledge-based infrastructures of this country, and provided the ground for knowledge-based interactions on the axis of our country's knowledge-based companies. During the visit of the President of our country, Ayatollah Ebrahim Raeisi, to this country, accompanied by Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and a group of managers from the field of technology and knowledge-based companies, the ground for technological cooperation and the presentation of the capabilities of this companies are provided to the Indonesian market with capacity.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 91207

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